Action E.1 Project management

Deliverable Ε1.1: Project Management Board meeting, Report including, agenda, signed list of
participants, minutes approved by all beneficiaries, Deliverable Ε1.2: Steering Committee Report including, agenda, signed list of participants,
minutes approved by all beneficiaries, Deliverable Ε1.3: Technical Committees Report

In the frame of the Project three types of Meetings have been carried out. Specifically, the Meetings of the Technical Committee (TC) which was comprised by experts in different fields who met regularly to discus and solve technical issues of the Project. Twelve such meetings were held. The Meetings sometimes were held in the form of a teleconference. The technical and supportive documents discussed are annexed in this document along with the participants list and the agendas of these Meetings.
The Meetings of the Steering Committee were scheduled to address administrative issues and decide on issues related to administration and finance. For this reason, they were not stand-alone events; they were following TC Meetings when the Leaders of each Beneficiary were present. Four in total meetings were held. The topics discussed are presented herein along with the participants list and the agendas of these meetings.
Last, the Project Management Board Meetings were held once per year and were once again combined with TC of SC meetings. The only difference was that only Leaders and the BPI Director or the Director of the Finance Department were present.
Because of the combined organization of these meeting at this stage a common report is submitted jointly covering D-Ε1.3. D-Ε1.2 D-E1.1

Deliverable Ε1.4: Progress Report Submitted to EASME on 30/06/2020

Deliverable Ε1.5: Mid-Term Report (Pre-financing Payment Request)

Deliverable Ε1.7: Report of Procurement Principles

The procurement principles applying in Greece and Spain for public entities like Benaki Phytopathological Institute, National Center of Science “Demokritios”, the University of Almeria and the Copperative of Zagora are presented. The respective to the procurement Laws are Annexed to this Deliverable. These laws and principles have been followed by the Beneficiaries for all procurements of the period 1/9/2018 to 30/04/2020.
Annexed: Greek law N.4412/2016. 44336 Miércoles 31 Octubre 2007 BOE núm. 261.

For more info, please contact Dr E. Markellou (

Action E.2 Audit

Action E.3 After Life plan

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